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Magic Haven: Escape From Imhotep System Requirements

Platform: Windows (XP/Vista/7/8/10), Linux, iOS, Android
Display: 1024x768 minimum, 32-bit color
Graphics: 128Mb video card with support for Pixel Shader 1.4 or later
CPU: 32/64 bit Intel/AMD 1Ghz or faster
RAM: 256Mb or more
Hard Drive: 250 Mb
Sound: DirectX 9.0/OpenAL 1.0 compatible
Prerequisites: DirectX 9.0/OpenGL ES 2.0

Magic Haven: Escape From Imhotep has no offensive content and is suitable for everyone. The latest game version is

Magic Haven is engineered to run on desktop or tablet platforms. The game will be first released for Windows Desktop in December 2015. Tablet releases for iOS and Android will be available in February 2016. No mobile or browser releases are currently available.